This tutorial provides an overview of the various terms that are used when discussing bootstrapping of IoT devices. We document terms that have been used within the IETF as well as other standards bodies. We investigate if the terms refer to the same phenomena or have subtle differences. We provide recommendations on the applicability of terms in different contexts. Next, this tutorial presents a survey of secure bootstrapping mechanisms available for smart objects that are part of an Internet of Things (IoT) network. We will not prescribe any one mechanism but rather present IoT developers with different options to choose from, depending on their use-case, security requirements, and the user interface available on their IoT devices.
Dr. Behcet, Sarikaya, Independent

Dr. Behcet Sarikaya is based in Dallas, TX Objective: Independent researcher in IETF and IEEE 802 working groups of interest Expertise: Internet of Things, Networking, wireless networks, wireline networks, Network security, Fifth Generation Wireless Networks Company Experience to Date: -Alcatel in Plano, TX Mobile Networking team of four leader, 2001-2003 -Huawei Technologies, USA in Plano, TX in IP Lab as Senior Research Scientist, 2006-2017 Academic Experience to Date: -Full Professor, UNBC, Canada; Full Professor University of Aizu, Japan, Asst. Professor, Concordia University, Canada Education: PhD from McGill University, Montreal, Canada Social Media Presence: Linkedin: IEEE Life Senior Member
Dr. Dan, Garcia-Carillo, University of Oviedo, Spain

Dr. Dan García Carrillo, received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Murcia in 2018 with the thesis titled “A CoAP-Based Bootstrapping Service for Large-Scale Internet-of-Things Networks” under an Industrial Doctorate grant. He is involved in the IETF in several standardization efforts regarding bootstrapping and security in the context of the Internet of Things. Currently he is an assistant professor in the area of telematics of the computer science department of the University of Oviedo. He has collaborated in EU projects like Sociotal, SMARTIE, ANASTACIA and Plug-N-Harvest. His main research interests are security and privacy for IoT as well as emergent technologies in IoT.